Young Leaders Mentorship Program
The Application period for the 2024-2025 Program is Open!
The mission of this program is to provide an opportunity for ULI Young Leaders and veteran ULI members to create lasting professional relationships by sharing knowledge and experiences in an intimate small-group setting.
Groups consist of 5-6 young leaders and one mentor each, and meet a minimum of four times over the course of the program year. Most groups choose to meet during the week, a mixture of before/during/after business hours, but each group decides the form and timing of their specific meetings.
Participation is restricted to ULI members only, and selection is based upon a competitive application process. In order to ensure that the small groups of mentors and mentees have a balanced representation of diverse fields, backgrounds and interests, not every request can be granted. If a candidate is not accepted in any one year, we encourage re-applying in a subsequent year.
(Note: 100% attendance and participation in each meeting over the course of a full year is expected. Those interested in participating should become familiar with the application criteria and, prior to applying, verify with their employer/boss that their work schedule will allow the flexibility to participate.)
Application Process
Application Deadline: September 26, 2024