Houston’s ULI NEXT supports the ULI mission by identifying, connecting, and elevating the next generation of leaders. ULI NEXT participants are Full or Associate members, over the age of 35, who have exemplified leadership within the industry and ULI.
Program Overview
ULI NEXT provides a range of benefits to participants as they develop their leadership skills and build lasting relationships amongst peers, with ULI leadership, and throughout the ULI network. The program will give members:
- Valuable networking opportunities with other individuals in a similar career stage.
- Increase individual knowledge base to move careers forward.
- A relevant voice in the ULI organization and its programs.
- Opportunities to connect with the broader initiatives within ULI.
Guided by a Steering Committee, ULI NEXT will kick off each year with an open invitation period for interested members to apply to be placed in a Flight. Flights consist of around 15 participants, with the number of Flights depending on the number of qualified candidates. Flights will hold meetings on a quarterly basis (at a minimum), incorporating presentations of topical interest to its members for the purpose of promoting candid discussion from a diversity of perspectives. In addition, NEXT will promote opportunities to meaningfully participate in existing ULI Houston programs. Through the NEXT initiative, participants can attain their goal to remain active ULI members during their rise to leadership positions within the industry.
Application Process
In order to foster an engaging atmosphere, NEXT will implement a flight selection application process to identify dedicated participants to ensure a diversity of professional sectors and interests.
Participants must:
- Be a current ULI Member
- Be in a leadership position within your firm
- Generally be within the age of 35 and 45
- Commit to attending 75% of scheduled meetings with your Flight
- Pay an annual $100 membership fee (all funds go back to your Flight, which will pay for your programming through the year)